Welcome to PhonicsMonsters.com – Your Journey to Reading Literacy! Our carefully structured four levels empower learners with systematic phonics education. Engaging animations introduce new sounds, helping students learn pronunciation and word decoding effectively.

Explore our Lesson Guides, designed for both Teachers and Parents, to master the PhonicsMonster.com systemic phonics program in classrooms and homeschooling. Each level offers a balanced program, integrating modeled, guided, and independent learning for comprehensive development.

Our structured levels aim to:

⦿ Assess existing knowledge
⦿ Encourage student demonstrations
⦿ Employ differentiated, multi-sensory activities
⦿ Create connections to prior knowledge
⦿ Offer appropriate challenges
⦿ Foster engagement and motivation
⦿ Allow room for personal growth and development

How long should a lesson be?
School lesson 30-60mins once or twice per week (lessons are broken up into different activities)*
Home school 10-30 mins daily or every other day*
*Dependent on student/s age, ability, and motivation.

review phonics
5-10 Minutes

Reinforce Prior Learning with Multimodal Approach – Audio, Visual, and Kinesthetic Materials.

watch phonics
10-20 minutes

Empower Your Child to Learn Target Phonics Sounds and Vocabulary with Expert Guidance.

practice phonics
10-20 minutes

Encourage Students to Engage in Verbal and Visual Practice of Target Phonics.

reinforce phonics
5-10 minutes

Leverage Interactive Site and Printables for Student’s Comprehensive Learning Experience.

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